1. `She toilets’ in Thiruvananthapuram

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    Another first for Kerala. The Kerala state women’s development corporation (KSWDC) plans to build 35 `she toilets’ in Thiruvananthapuram, the first such initiative in the country. These exclusive for women facilities will be set up in city centres and tourist locations. The potable toilets will also have sanitary napkin vending...
  2. 25 % more girls to take IIT exam this year

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    The IIT-JEE exam this year is being held on April 8. More than 5 lakh students will take the exam this year as compared to the 4.86 lacs applicants in 2011. Students would be competing for nearly 10,000 seats across the country in 15 Indian Institute of Technology (IITs); Institute...
  3. Andhra Pradesh `unsafe’ for women

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    Andhra Pradesh is the most unsafe place among South Indian states for women, going by the data collated by the National Crime Records Bureau. The state has more than double the number of cases registered in 2008, 2009 and 2010 when compared to the other three states. In 2008, 1257...
  4. Chameleon-like Jeans !

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    This summer, if you find girls wearing jeans that change colours, it is time to get jealous ! Yes, literally so. Jealous 21, has introduced a range of denims for women, called `Magic Jeans’ that changes colours as soon as you wear them. This happens because the denim fibre has...
  5. Congress MLA dresses up like a woman

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    Congress MLA Anam Vivekananda Reddy, whose brother is the finance minister of Andhra Pradesh decided to shock his followers at the inauguration of a crafts bazaar in Nellore town. He wore bangles, lipstick and draped a sari, and also tried the trinkets, while doing a round of the stalls. Reddy...
  6. Female Chauvinists

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    What do you call the demanding and bullying kind of wives, with an air of superiority, who treat their men with little respect. Female Chauvinists? This term would be particularly apt for the wives of the ever growing breed of henpecked hubands  in India, thanks to education and empowerment of...
  7. Vidya’s curves leave no meat in size zeros

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    The Bollywood awards season has begun and it’s heart warming to note they could help create a size shift in the consciousness of the glamour-puss. As the oo la la star swept the first set of awards and is expected to grab the remaining, it proved that voluptuousness has left no meat...
  8. Women at the wheel? No

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    Saudi Arabia is debating whether to allow women to drive cars in the country. Before you look astonished, let us tell you this is because rights activists believe allowing women in the kingdom to drive could encourage premarital sex. `The Huffington Post’ reports that a document by an academic advises the monarchy...
  9. Be Henpecked to be Happy

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    By R V Rajan Even after 40 years of married life, I have not learnt my lessons. In spite of the fact that I consider myself a ‘women’s libber` trying to do a lot of things to help my wife (or so I think).  Things, which very few of my generation...
