Disowned VS is now recycled

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“For if they do these things in a green tree, what will be done in the dry?”


The saga of intra-party conflicts in CPI(M) took an ironic twist when the present CM VS Achuthanandan took a fatal tumble from the party which denied his wish to contest in State Assembly Election 2011. But the drama had another part as appendix to it! The ‘available PB’ read out the well-written script and thus people of Kerala came to know what they have been expecting. The same climax as that of 2006.


This drama shows the true colour of the LDF which claims to have accomplished uncountable successes through an affirmative display of teamwork. And at this very moment, the whole of Kerala would be admiring the latest showcase of teamwork by CPI(M). The teamwork was from the direction to the release of the drama.


We now get the real picture of the LDF petty campaign. They are running short of options and ideas to woo the voters. They have nothing to highlight in their campaigns except for nepotism and corruption. What else could a party do other than stage a drama to create a thick cover of smoke to confuse the voters?  LDF thinks that such a sub-standard drama can make people forget their systemic abuse of power. How could people forget their policies that earned money for the ‘poor comrades’ only.


How could a party that creates mock-fights rule a state? How would they have time to rule when they will be busy rehearsing for their next drama? Only sympathy can be passed on to them who are pushing themselves into chaotic situations and inviting pity from the length and breadth of Kerala.


Look at this pathetic plight that has eaten away the resources of the state like blight! If the comrade party’s tools of inquisition itself is used to manufacture dramas aiming to surpass even Shakespeare for the coming elections, think about the pitiful situation of those at the receiving end? How many more dramas are we going to see before the elections! As though the five year old boring melodrama that has been enacted by the LDF is not enough.


(Source : udf.org.in)


(The views expressed in this blog are not that of The South Reports and the source is clearly mentioned to clarify that these are the views of the UDF in Kerala) 

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