1. Homosexual Pride

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    A few days ago I saw a fairly attractive couple, braced with infants strapped to their torsos, absorbed in shopping for infants’ items in GVK mall! The only difference was they were both men. Two daddies with their two babies. Another scene at KBR Park in Hyderabad. A group of...
  2. A Rainbow of hope?

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    A timid smile on meeting someone for the first time, words exchanged while waiting for a movie to begin, the possibility of a new relationship while chatting over tea, and the affirmation of being who one wants to be in the company of others. Moments like these marked the Rainbow...
  3. Seeing More LGBT Faces

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    Since last week, while I’m here in Hyderabad, and reading about Anderson Cooper and Frank Ocean coming out and the flurry of emotions it’s caused, I’m bewildered. I have always been enthralled by those who dared to love themselves at a time when they were given to understand that they...
